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- HERMES' HERMiT (Version 1.0)
- Copyright (c) 1988 A. G. Kartsatos
- *** Shareware ***
- Here is a copy of my last work. It will SAVE and CYCLE your FRONT
- SCREEN by using HOT KEYS. Very useful when you need a copy of a screen of
- a word processor, a game, a utility, etc. It will cycle IFF pictures which
- have from 8 to 32 colors. It will SAVE OVERSCAN front screens too. You can
- view these saved OVERSCAN pictures with the enclosed CYCLER program. THERE
- I am studying this phenomenon now. So, use the CYCLER instead.
- You can RUN the program from CLI pressing RUN HERMiT (NOT just HERMiT).
- While on the Workbench, click into its icon to run it.
- The files are saved sequentially like GRABBiT to a path that
- you specify when the HERMiT requester asks you for it. Just enter a
- volume/directory where you want your pictures saved. No actual filenames
- are needed and they will not work. The saving format: HR_3MED.000 = HERMiT,
- 3 Planes, Medium Resolution, File Number 0. Another example: HR_6LACE.007
- = HERMiT, 6 Planes, INTERLACE Mode, 8th File Saved. Whenever HERMiT is run,
- the numbering of the pictures starts from 000. This means that the user
- should make sure that he/she does not overwrite older pictures with the same
- number, resolution and planes as new ones (when he/she runs HERMiT from
- scratch again).
- LALT denotes the Left ALT KEY on your keyboard. A SOUND will be acti-
- vated:
- 1) When you check whether HERMiT is on and it is (CTRL+LALT+H).
- 2) Before you save the front screen (CTRL+LALT+S).
- 3) After the front screen has been saved.
- 4) When you stop the program from running (CTRL+LALT+Q).
- CTRL+LALT+1, CTRL+LALT+2 and CTRL+LALT+3 will cycle the colors of the
- front screen at three different speeds, respectively. The only un-cycled color
- is the color in register 0. It is usually the color outside the picture
- frame and it does not look good when you include it in the cycling.
- Press the TAB KEY to stop the cycling.
- The sound will not be heard when HERMiT cannot asquire a channel for it.
- For example, you will not hear the sound when you save the Sonix screen.
- Sonix takes over the channels and HERMiT will not interfere with it. The same
- thing happens when you work on the Deluxe Music Screen. Nevertheless, HERMiT
- will keep you informed by printing messages onto the CLI or into its own win-
- dow on the Workbench.
- I have also included in this ARC file a new version of my CYCLER program
- that will view ALL the saved pictures, included the OVERSCAN ones.
- Included herein is also a painting of mine called LAND.pic. Cycle it in
- Speed 3 and see what kind of motion you can create by simple cycling! Its
- title is "LAND" and I did it last year with Doug's Math Aquarium. I can
- actually reproduce it exactly now with my Contoura program. Darken your
- screen a little for more impact.
- Remember: CYCLER DOES WORK from the WORKBENCH. Read its doc on how to
- create icons of pictures that you can view with CYCLER. These icons are
- project icons. You can change any icons to any other types by using ICONLAB.
- I have tested this program extensively. It will work with major programs
- like DigiView, Deluxe Paint, Online!, Comm, Access!, TxED, BBS-PC!, etc. How-
- ever, the usual disclaimers apply, as usual. Use at own risk and let me know
- of your comments and suggestions. I can also modify any of my programs to
- suit your particular needs.
- Have fun!!!
- @@-->>> HERMES
- Other programs by the author:
- PALETTA.ARC (Color Mixing, Modifying IFF's, Random Colors)
- CALCULA.ARC (An Expression Parser And A Function Evaluator. Unique!)
- SIMPLICA.ARC (The Simplex Method Of Linear Programming)
- ROST.ARC (Reports On Storage And Tasks On Their Windows. Useful!)
- LISTA11.ARC (Very Useful Directory Lister. Alpha, Bytes, Patterns,
- CLI, Refresh. Opens Its Own Window)
- SCRIPTA.ARC (Online!-PCP Script Maker. Easy Online! Script Files!)
- FORMULA!.ARC (Formidable 3D-Grapher In C. It graphs z = f(x,y). Choice
- Of Colors. 17 Functions Supported. An Artist's Tool)
- FINANCA.ARC (Mortgage, Compound Interest And Annuity)
- CONTOURA.ARC (Spectacular Contour Grapher. Definitely An Artist's
- ARCHA11.ARC (ARC-PAK-ZOO Utility. It Also Has Another 12 Utility
- Gadgets And 7 Drive Gadgets. Only 29K, It Can Be Used
- As An Efficient Directory Utility)
- DUHERM27.ARC (Beautiful Directory Utility. A Multitude Of Functions.
- 72 Gadgets Out Of Which 48 Are User-configurable!
- One Of The Major Powerful DirUtils For The Amiga)
- VIEWOVER.ARC (This Is The Program View (V. 1.8) With OVERSCAN
- Capability By HERMES. Very Small (About 6K) And Very
- Convenient)
- ICONLAB.ARC (Great Icon Laboratory. It Allows You To Load And View
- Icons Of ANY SIZE. It Also Allows You To Change/Save: